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MYSTIQUE IS BASED IN SHREWSBURY. 48-52 Ennerdale Road, Shrewsbury SY1 3LD

We offer Psychic Readings. Past Life Regression, Holistic therapies including Reiki, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Angel healing, Quantum Touch, Chakrascension, plus much more. We also sell some lovely gifts such as unicorns, Himalayan salt lamps and bowls. Crystals, Oracle Cards, Wolves, Fairies, Owls, oils, incense, books, signs, dreamcatchers etc.

Variety of workshops in therapies and psychic/mediumship/card reading are held .If there is something you are particularly looking for please contact them on or 01743 467368 Find us on Facebook Mystique Wellbeing Ltd. 

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